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Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil Stock Finish 3oz Class 3 UN1993, Flammable Liquid

Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil Stock Finish 3oz Class 3 UN1993, Flammable Liquid
Plastic bottle on blister card. 6 per outer.

There is no better oil finish! Tru-Oil Gun Stock Finish has been the professional's choice for gunstock finishing for more than 30 years. Its unique blend of linseed and other natural oils dries fast, resists water damage and will not cloud, yellow or crack with age. Excellent as a sealer for under butt plates, recoil pads and in inletted actions to prevent stock damage.

Q: How can I increase the shelf life of Tru-Oil?
A: To increase the shelf life of Tru-Oil poke, a small hole in the foil instead of pulling it all the way off and store the bottle upside down after opening.

Q: Can Tru-Oil be thinned out?
A: Tru-Oil can be thinned out using mineral spirits. Please note: Adding mineral spirits will increase drying time.

Q: Will Tru-Oil change the color of the wood?
A: No, Tru-Oil will not change the color, however it does have a golden hue amber tint that will enhance the wood.

Q: Are Tru-Oil and lacquer compatible?
A: No.

Q: Will Tru-Oil work on laminate?
A: Yes.

Q: Before using Tru-Oil should I use a water-based stain or an oil-based stain?
A: We recommend using a water-based stain. If using an oil-based stain, allow extra dry time.

Q: How do I apply Tru-Oil?
A: Apply Tru-Oil using your finger or a lint free cloth.

Q: How long until Tru-Oil is dry to the touch?
A: Tru-Oil will be dry to the touch in approximately 2-4 hours, depending on climate. We recommending allowing 12 + hours between coats of Tru-Oil.

Q: How long is recommended between coats of Tru-Oil?
A: We recommending allowing 12 + hours between coats.

Q: What temperature works best for applying Tru-Oil?
A: Room temperature is ideal for applying Tru-Oil. It will dry faster in low humidity as well.

Q: Can I add linseed to increase dry time?
A: Not recommended.

Q: Will Tru-Oil penetrate oily wood?
A: Tru-Oil has a difficult time penetrating and drying on oily woods (i.e. ebony rosewood and cocobolo). If using an oily wood, you can try using mineral spirits to thin out the Tru-Oil or seal the wood prior to the Tru-Oil application.

Q: How long do I need to wait until rubbing Tru-Oil out with abrasive agent?
A: If using Stock Sheen and Conditioner, wait a minimum of 7 days. If using Rotten stone, wait one month after Tru-Oil application.